Please note: The appearance of the bouquet may slightly differ from the image due to seasonality or availability of flowers. We will inform you personally about any changes 🌸. This may include changes in the color of some flowers in the bouquet or replacing missing flowers with those available, in accordance with §434 BGB. If you are not satisfied with the proposed option, we will discuss another one with you or offer a refund.
A bouquet of peony roses and chrysanthemums with delivery in Limassol BlumenHorizon is a blend of delicate beauty and freshness, perfect for the most romantic and festive moments. With bright, luxurious peony roses and delicate chrysanthemums, this bouquet will be the perfect gift for your loved ones. It is ideal for Valentine's Day, International Women's Day, or other significant events.
Why choose BlumenHorizon?
BlumenHorizon — your trusted partner in creating perfect bouquets for any occasion, where attention to detail and quality are always top priority. Bring joy and emotions with this elegant bouquet of peony roses and chrysanthemums with delivery in Limassol!
Диаметр букета: 60 см
Количество цветов: Пионовидные розы и хризантемы
Высота цветов: 40–50 см
Аромат: Приятный и лёгкий, характерный для роз и хризантем
Тип упаковки: Элегантная подарочная упаковка доступна
Состав: 100% свежие цветы, без искусственных добавок
Гарантия свежести: Доставка в свежем виде